Arugula for all!

While the Obama campaign has had lots of fun mocking McCain for not knowing how many houses he had, the McCain campaign came back with . . . an arugula reference. Because a year ago, Obama had the nerve to mention the price of arugula.

I find it unbelievably frustrating that worrying about the price of vegetables makes one elitist. I don’t know why someone would take pride in not being able to spell it. It’s healthy! It’s tasty! And it is a goddamn crime in this country that organic arugula is $4 for 5 ounces (or $7/lb for non-organic), while mac and cheese is $1.58 a box. Vegetables should not be luxuries, and I wish someone would actually say that for once.



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3 responses to “Arugula for all!”

  1. Eli Avatar

    But Mac & Cheese was on sale for $1/box! So it was even cheaper than you say.

  2. Kayhan Gultekin Avatar

    But shouldn’t a food item that is, as you mention, more delicious and more nutritious (not to mention scarcer in part due to its shorter lifespan), be more expensive than the inferior Mac & Cheese?

  3. Becky Avatar

    Sure, in a free market system where the food industries are all trying to increase their profits every year. I happen to think that’s a fucked-up system for basic necessities. It doesn’t help that the subsidies go mostly to corn and soy — which mostly go into processed food — and not to vegetables.

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