Category: civil liberties

  • Will, Fully Obtuse

    On the NY Times site yesterday, William Safire complained about a line in (President!) Obama’s speech: He skirted the controversy about harsh interrogations with a facile “As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals” — when there are times when that painful choice cannot be “rejected.”…

  • Tortured Logic

    The NY Times recently posted a range of opinions on torture after the report of torture at Guantanamo. I disagreed with much of what Andrew McCarthy had to say (including his definition of what is and is not torture), but the logic of this particularly escapes me: On that last score, even those of us…

  • Running to the center is not leadership

    Gail Collins is correct when she notes You liked Barack because you thought he could get us past the old brain-dead politics, right? But those of us disappointed about the FISA vote aren’t disappointed because we don’t understand what a compromise is. I’m disappointed because Obama wasn’t only talking about bipartisanship and building a consensus…

  • Happy Fourth of July Three-Day Weekend

    Between Guantanamo and FISA, I’m not feeling particularly patriotic this year — when everyone else is singing along to that hideous Greenwood song, I’m thinking of e.e. cumming’s “next to god of course america . . . “. However, I do like this country, quite a bit, so I will polish off the holiday weekend…