Category: obama

  • Signs of the times

    The Obama campaign is all but ignoring lawn signs in some battleground states — so they can focus on silly things like voter registration — and it’s starting to backfire in Virginia. From my anecdotal survey of two voters, it’s also starting to piss off Ohio supporters, too. I think the campaign is underestimating how…

  • Polling the family

    Talking to my parents about the election is always interesting — Eli and I are in California, surrounded by Obama supporters, so we are perhaps overly optimistic about the election. Meanwhile, my parents are in Ohio, surrounded by conservatives, and, well: Down here, Friday afternoon is when you wash the sheets. Saturday is when you…

  • Arugula for all!

    While the Obama campaign has had lots of fun mocking McCain for not knowing how many houses he had, the McCain campaign came back with . . . an arugula reference. Because a year ago, Obama had the nerve to mention the price of arugula. I find it unbelievably frustrating that worrying about the price…

  • Evan Bayh?

    So apparently there are Obama-Bayh bumper stickers being printed up in Kansas (h/t Mark Ambinder). And then I checked and redirects to There’s no, or, or even You heard it here first.

  • Those are some elitist bootstraps, I guess

    Plenty of bloggers and journalists, not to mention McCain himself, have called Obama “elitist” at various points throughout the campaign. I would just like to point out that in politics right now, the two greatest examples of living the American Dream — of starting from nothing and working hard from there — are Bill Clinton…

  • Running to the center is not leadership

    Gail Collins is correct when she notes You liked Barack because you thought he could get us past the old brain-dead politics, right? But those of us disappointed about the FISA vote aren’t disappointed because we don’t understand what a compromise is. I’m disappointed because Obama wasn’t only talking about bipartisanship and building a consensus…

  • But that just raises more rumors!

    While I’m glad that the Obama campaign is ready to combat the crazy rumors about Obama and his family, I’m disappointed that the campaign was pressured into releasing Obama’s birth certificate. (Not that anything will ever be enough for some people.) And no matter how much people insist that they just want to know if…

  • I believe the poles are shifting . . .

    We saw R.E.M. on Thursday night, and it was awesome — they put on a great show, as always. But we can’t believe that on this tour, in 2008, they’re not playing “I Believe”. I mean, Obama’s campaign slogan, “Change we can believe in”, is practically a lyric from the song! Michael Stipe is (to…