Category: video

  • Does the religious right also not get that the Colbert Report is a parody?

    Even if you didn’t watch Tuesday’s Daily Show, you probably saw the second half of Jon Stewart’s interview with Mike Huckabee linked on one of the million liberal blogs out there. I was curious as to what the conservative blogs were saying, though. What did they think of Huckabee’s performance? Or about Stewart’s line, “Religion…

  • I don’t understand 25% of the country! But not the 25% you might think

    I don’t particularly care or worry about the 20-25% of the population who still approves of Bush. They’re lost causes. What does concern me, if you believe the polls, is the 25%-ish of the population who disapproves of Bush but is planning on voting for McCain. I am baffled by them! When has there been…

  • Birthday tradition!

    Yesterday we went out for sushi for Eli’s birthday. In honor of the yummy sushi, here is the very funny “Japanese Tradition” video about how to eat sushi: I’m not sure if they’re aimed at Japanese people, or people learning Japanese, or what, but I really enjoy the “Japanese Tradition” videos. There’s also a very…

  • Playing around with time

    I feel like time-lapse videos are everywhere lately, and “Players” is my new favorite:Players from Sam Javanrouh on Vimeo. Sam Javanrouh is the photographer behind the excellent [daily dose of imagery] photoblog, which is wonderfully moody and urban. Now if I could just find a good time-lapse video of density waves in traffic jams, I’d…

  • A beautiful edit

    I am a total sucker for good editing and good transitions, even in commercials. The first great example of this — and still my favorite — that I can recall is the Nike “Move” ad from 2002. There are two recent ads that have also caught my eye: This Stanley Cup ad is neat, if…

  • Presenting Mr. and Mr. Sulu

    Among the many gay couples that can now legally marry in California are George Takei and his long-term partner! Congrats to everyone! I’ve never seen an episode of Star Trek, so my only exposure to Takei has been from one of my favorite Daily Show clips ever: Now I know why he sounds so startled…